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Why Bookkeeping Is Crucial To Your Success

Keeping track of sales, earnings, expenses, and purchases is fundamental to the overall health and sustainability of your business. Effective bookkeeping produces the data you need to evaluate your current practices, anticipate challenges, and set attainable future goals.

But despite their proven importance, many business owners dread and avoid accounting tasks. In fact, 40% of surveyed entrepreneurs claim that bookkeeping is one the worst parts of running a business!

Wondering if it’s really worth the aggravation?

Here are four reminders of how effective bookkeeping is the cornerstone of small business success.

Tips for Updating Your Business Plan

Think of your business plan as a roadmap designed to point the way to your current destination, knowing that where you land may not be your ultimate end point.

After all, things are constantly changing in a healthy, thriving business. Market fluctuations, new competitors, changes in staffing or your sales figures may nudge you in a direction you wouldn’t have previously dreamed of, requiring new goals and strategies to achieve them.

Of course, a change in plans may also require refinancing – another important reason to keep your business plan up to date. These tips will help you revise your plan painlessly, so you’re best positioned to stay on course and impress a potential lender when applying for funding.